For we know that every teenager has a struggle they deal with. Here's another struggle of a teenage boy with Obesity and how he overcame the struggle

 Struggles of an obese teenage boy.

I am doctor Bryan,an obesity survivor and successful medical doctor.
I was triggered to share my struggles and survival story,when I was asked by my patient  how I survived obesity as a teenager and became successful as a medical doctor.

According to research,15% of children ranging from age 6-19 suffer from obesity
I was in that category before, I had class 1 which is also known as high class obesity. At the age of 16, I was weighing 330 pounds.

I faced so many challenges and struggle but I was able to overcome and now am a living testimony. My challenges started from breathing disorder,coronary artery disease, depression to mention few. The depression was as a result of the rejection I faced.

I lost so many of my friends as the disorder worsened. Some of my friends during my days in college treated me just Like an outcast,they complain about my weight,look,.e.t.c My room mate said I breath like a pig and all sort of assault due to my room mates complains, it wasn't easy yet I walked through it and came out strong.
 I bless God for surrounding me with a wonderful family and I had few friends that stood by me,they stood by me and never gave up on me,they believed in me.
 All these and the strength I drew from the Love of Christ made me walk pass all my struggles and pains and became what I am today.

I can't but thank my doctor for her care and love arose the passion in me that after my recovery,I will also be a doctor with the aim of giving hope to obese patient,by showing them love,caring for them,help them in dieting taking proper care and observation of their diet,help them in their daily exercise, just the way I was helped few years ago .

For every Shinning gold you see today, always remember that the Gold has passed through fire yesterday.

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