My daily prayer (The Grace To Love)

We all desire wealth, health, exploits, position etc, but we forgot that there is something in which if any man lacks he is nothing.

...........................then it dawned on me that one of the greatest prayer and the desire of any man should be the grace to LOVE. Yes oh, am here with my love stuffs again oh because any man that lacks love lacks all. 1 Corinthians 13 talks about love, the first verse says.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am becoming as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. That means if I could speak so fluently and even speak the tongues of angels and lack love, IT’S ALL NOISE. Wow!!!
So no matter how eloquent I speak if I have no love am just a noise maker.?

Do you know what that means? Second verse And though I have the gift of prophecy and understanding all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not charity, I AM NOTHING. WOOOOOOWWWWW! That means that even if am a prophet and I understand all mysteries, and I am super intelligent and I have enough faith to do all manner of miracles and I lack love, I AM NOTHING.
So no matter how gifted I am if i have no love am nothing.?

Third verse And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned and have not charity, IT PROFITETH ME NOTHING. What????? Yes oh, even if I open up a charity home and even lay down myself to be burnt and I have no love, THERE IS NO GAIN in it for me.

This verse left me in awe because its hard to imagine that someone could give all his food to the poor and even give himself to be burned yet still lack love.

But yet it is very possible.
Love is more than mere words. Love is more than just a feeling, Love is more than emotions.
Love is a personality, Love is a task,, Love is a commandment, Love is a quest that must be won daily.
The person you are to love doesn't have to be perfect, the person you are to love doesn't t have to deserve it.

You have to show love to everyone around you by giving, gifting, sharing encouraging, interceding, believing, the list is endless. 
 Love is a gift that God has given us all and we should all extend that gift to everyone around us.
So it doesn’t matter whatever level you are, spiritually of physically. It doesn’t matter how much you give or how far you go It doesn’t matter how fluently you speak, It doesn’t matter how handsome or beautiful you look If you lack love it’s just noise, you are nothing, and you have no profit.

So today I pray for the grace to love, tomorrow I will pray the same and make it my daily prayer.