Read this beautiful insight from a teenager after studying the book of Ecclesiastes

Ponder---- the thoughts of a teenager after reading the book of Ecclesiastes


For days turns to weeks, for weeks turns to months and for months turns to year, I have wondered and pondered.
As a teenager I had and owned many fantasies till I read the book of the philosopher. Then I realized that yesterday is gone and conceives today. Today is here and pregnant of tomorrow, tomorrow is yet to be born. Yesterday could be 100years ago, 10 years ago, a year ago or a day.
Tomorrow could be 100 years’ time, 10 years’ time, a year’s time or a day.

Ago is past, time keeps on moving, tomorrow never ends, today is a gift we should treasure. Yesterday could have been a treasure but it’s lost. You can only regain the lost treasure of yesterday today and tomorrow can be a treasure or not.
Just like a pregnant woman nourishes her unborn child we should nourish our today so that our tomorrow can be a treasure.
Just like a woman forgets the pains of labour after holding her child, so we would forget the pains of today when tomorrow’s treasure is born.
The people we knew yesterday and the people we know today are the only people we know in this world. But the things we have today are the only things we have in this world. For some things we had yesterday are gone even before today and the things we have today may not be ours tomorrow.
Today is a gift and a treasure to check our yesterday and have a better day.
Tomorrow is a mystery yet to be unveiled which we can only plan for but we don’t own yet.
Take advantage of today when you have it.
Tomorrow is dead, today is living and tomorrow is yet to be born.
As dead as yesterday is, the ghost still hunts today and the ghost of today will hunt tomorrow.
Make the best use of today, make the best use of now.
Take that bold step today, tomorrow maybe too far.
Show love to that person today, tomorrow maybe too far.
Enjoy today while it’s here. Tomorrow is like a fist and we never know what is locked inside until it comes and it gently opens with the morning, when we know a little about the day, afternoon when we know more about the day and night time comes when all about the day has come to a full bloom. That’s when we know all the mysteries the day owns.
Yeah, I remember, the love you can get today is all the love you have for the people that loves you today may not love you tomorrow, just as some who hated you yesterday might love you today.
So also the enemies you have today are all the enemies you have, some may have loved you yesterday and hate you today while some may hate you yesterday and still hate you today and hate you and tomorrow. While some may hate you yesterday and love you today.
But the only Love, unchangeable love is that which we have in Christ Jesus.