PURPOSE : what drives you? What pulls you? What pushes you?



According to Oxford dictionary, the word purpose means the reason for which something is done or for which something exists.

The word, purpose is not a strange word and we all as individuals have a purpose in life.

The question is what is your purpose?

I have come to realize that not everybody in life knows their purpose, I know that might sound odd but it’s a practical truth that I will explain and clarify through the help of the Holy Spirit.

That most of us do not know our purpose doesn’t mean that we are all just wondering about being tossed here and there or not doing anything with our lives.

We strive to be better persons everyday, we learn from time to time, study , listen do all sorts of things to be better persons and we also take up challenges. We create short term goals and go for it. So I don’t see the world as a place where people wonder but the question is, do you know your purpose, and do I know mine?

For the sake of clarity I will say that even though most of us do not know our purpose, we are driven by a purpose.

For example, if someone desires to become a medical doctor, this will drive the person to keep on furthering his or her education. Forge ahead from primary school to secondary school, to university. This purpose this person is driven by will make the person not to choose pharmacology or engineering as a course of study but insist on medicine.

The irony of this all is that without having a mind of Christ we might not work in line of our purpose.

The difference individuals have is the purpose we are driven by, the world today has made the word purpose seem as if its just for a set of people. Maybe the brilliant ones, the ones that are fluent or …….

But even the beggar on the street has a purpose, the purpose why God created him and the purpose why he comes out to beg.

So basically there are purposes, not just one, not two but three purposes.

The first purpose and the main purpose is the purpose of our existence (Divine purpose) which lies in the hands of God. The second purpose is the purpose we are driven by (Driving purpose)  which is greatly influenced by our personality, our desires and aspirations. Now the least of these purposes which we might not even realize is what I call the Pulling purpose. This is the forces in our environment that either forces or compels us to take some actions.

 Lets take a look at the bible, John 9:1-3 and as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.

And his disciples asked him, saying , Master , who did sin, this man or his parents that he was born blind.

Jesus answered , Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made manifest in him

This man’s purpose was to make the works of God manifest. This man was born blind that the work of God might be made manifest.

If we go further to to john 9:8 it says the neighbors therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind , said is this not he that sat an begged?

This man was born blind, he was a beggar but all these had to happen to him because he was chosen to make the works of God manifest.

As this man grew, living as a blind man, maybe he was sad lonely and rejected because of the words and comments people pass to him and his parents. For the disciples of Jesus to have asked Jesus who did sin that this man was born blind, you could imagine what others would have been saying concerning his situation.

The divine purpose of this man is to make the works of God manifest in him, his driving purpose was the survival instinct which caused him to beg for alms and the pulling purpose was the forces around him, his neighbors who spited him , the darkness he was and the trauma he goes through.

It would amaze you that divine purpose doesn’t just fall on our laps. We don’t just wake up one morning and find our divine purpose by our bed side. This other two purposes either drive us or pull us till we reach that divine purpose of God for our lives.

This blind man was pulled by the pulling purpose and driven by the driving purpose to get to his divine purpose.

His driving purpose was what made him to come out on the street daily to beg, it was this driving purpose of his that drove him towards his miracle. This purpose made the path of this man to meet his divine purpose which was meeting with Jesus and regaining his sight.

What role did his puling purpose did to him, it pulled him to find is way to the pool of Siloam to go wash and come back seeing.

John 9:7 And said unto him, Go , wash in the pool Siloam (which is by interpretation sent) he went his way therefore and washed and came back seeing.

His desire to see , his desire the leave the state of blindness he was, is desire to leave the state of mockery and rejection, leave the state of being a beggar made him find his way to the pool. The purpose pulled him to the pool and Siloam.

Basically there are three factors that influence each of our purposes. The God factor, The You factor and The environment factor.

The God factor controls the divine purpose , the You factor controls the driving purpose and the environment factor controls the pulling factor.

  We could see that the driving purpose and the pulling purpose of the blind man in John 9 carried him towards his divine purpose and from the comment of Jesus , the man didn’t sin. 

A life of purity in Christ Jesus will guide our driving purpose because it is written in John 15:5  that I am the vine and ye are the branches : he that abideth in me and I in him , the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing .

Also such a healthy lifestyle will keep us firm when the pulling purpose comes so that instead of pulling us to the wrong direction, instead of pulling us from our divine purpose, it will pull us towards our divine purpose. Therefore even though we have the ability or let me say the privilege of choosing our driving purpose, if we leave God out of it , the destination will not be divine purpose.

Though the pulling purpose might seem like the least of them all, it is very delicate. Because even after arriving at the divine purpose the pulling purpose keeps pulling.

If we look at the book of John 9 :13 this man was challenged ,he was conducted to the Pharisees , he was interrogated , questioned but he kept his gaze on God and didn’t loose focus. He didn’t deny the source of His miracle. Another vital lesson to learn from him was his comportment, he didn’t decide to be proud or arrogant because he was no longer handicapped, he was still as humble as always and above all, this man went back to his source.

He sought Christ, he thirst for him the more. John 9:37-39.

His case made history because according to verse 32 amp; since the beginning of time, it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind, this man testified. He didn’t keep his miracle to himself. He wasn’t even sacred of the Pharisees.

I conclude by pointing the fact that the driving purpose and the pulling purpose carries us towards our divine purpose.

We should also realize that the divine purpose is proactive (creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it). The divine purpose is active ( moving or tending to move about vigorously or frequently) and the pulling purpose is passive ( accepting or allowing what happens or what others do without active or resistance )

If we try to take a close look at situations and circumstances, the spiritual controls the physical. The pro active controls the active. But what makes it seem otherwise in when one doesn’t trust in God.

We need to trust in God so that we can we can enjoy the ride and not allow the environment (pulling purpose) pull us away from the divine. The purpose of pulling purpose is to pull, pulling purpose is a force and if properly harnessed like that blind man did it will pull us to our divine purpose.

One known fact is that we should have a purpose in life; it’s a law of life that must be adhered to. We should also take note that it’s only our driving purpose that we have the opportunity to choose. We cannot choose our divine purpose and we cannot control our pulling purpose.

This man’s encounter with Jesus was the beginning of his walk in line with his divine purpose. Divine purpose is not a day’s journey it’s a lifetime walk that begins with knowing the Lord |Jesus.

Accept Jesus today