Amazing health benefits of orange peels

Health benefits of orange peels


Orange fruit is one of the best sources of Vitamin C, However most of the benefits of orange are in its skin itself.
Vitamin C is a fantastic immune system booster that can help fight the symptoms of cold and flu.

Orange peels are rich in flavanones, powerful antioxidants that help reduce oxidative damage and fight free radicals. Orange peel is also loaded with natural histamine suppressing compounds that helps reduce allergic reactions.
Eating orange peels provides tremendous benefit. It’s loaded with vitamin C,  as well as vitamin A, enzymes, fiber, and pectin.

Helps in weight loss

Orange peel acts as an excellent weight loss aid, as it contains good amounts of fibre and is low in calories. It adds bulk to the food and thus, helps in lowering the overall caloric intake, thereby aiding weight loss. It also exerts anti-obesity effects by suppressing weight gain by the body and formation of adipose tissue.

Relieves respiratory problems

Orange peel provides excellent support against respiratory distress and is also found to be effective for treating asthma. It exerts a lung cleansing activity, by playing a vital role in breaking down and expelling congestion (phlegm). It also contains high levels of histamine, reducing compounds and antioxidants, which helps in relieving various respiratory complications like bronchitis, cold, flu and lung cancer.
Orange peel provides effective support against respiratory distress. It has a lung cleansing effect by breaking down and helping expel congestion.
Dehydrated orange peel powder can even be added to a bath for an aroma therapeutic effect to cleanse the lungs of congestion or other respiratory irritation

Prevents digestive complications

Orange peel contains pectins, tannins and hemi-cellulose. These compounds prevent constipation by increasing the bulk and reducing contact time of food with the intestine. It also plays an active role in reducing gas trouble, prevents vomiting and heartburn.

Improves oral health

Orange peels helps to take care of bad breath. Chew orange peels instead of a gum or mouth fresher to get rid of the foul odour naturally.
 Orange peels are also an effective and cheap measure to whiten stained teeth, in addition to preventing sensitive teeth. You can either rub the inside of an orange peel or apply its paste on the teeth to whiten it naturally. 

Protects from cancer

Several studies have shown that increased consumption of orange peel in the diet lowers the risk of human cancers, namely skin, breast and colon cancer. Orange peel offers protection against colon cancer by binding to the toxic chemicals in the food, thereby hindering their exposure to the intestinal mucus membrane.

Acts as a natural skin bleach

The vitamin c present in orange peels, acts as an effective and safe natural scrubber and bleach for skin.
The peel extract, when applied with curd or milk can lighten dark blemishes and spots on the skin. You can also rub the peel directly on the skin or use diluted pastes to prevent skin burns and remove sun tan. It also helps tone the skin, protect from harmful sun rays and cleanse pores naturally.

Improves the heart health

Orange peel contains compounds which are found to exert positive effect on the heart. These compounds lower your risk of heart diseases and inflammation in addition to lowering the blood cholesterol levels (LDL – Low Density Lipoprotein) in the body.
Tip: Though the taste of orange peels is somewhat bitter when eaten by itself but many people get used to it, or simply add it to other recipes.
 In pureed form, orange peel is easy to add to a smoothie or as an extra ingredient in fruit and nut bars. Mixing it with other ingredients can make the taste more palatable which is good for health and skin care as well.

 Grate the orange peel and sprinkle zest on salads, vegetables and desserts. You can also use dried orange peel extracts for beauty allied measures.