Love is what God gives and gives humans the grace to give. Must read for everyone

 Cliché; This is for those who believe that GOD IS LOVE.

The use of the word Love is so common that its meaning is fading.The word is everywhere while the act is gradually fading.

I am not one who does not believe in love but one who prays for the grace to love.

Love isn’t a feeling that is easy to give yet love is the greatest commandment.

Imagine a pretty little girl, all dressed in pink with lovely strawberry scent all over her.

She will definitely be easy to fall in love with and cuddled.

But what if it’s a child dying of malaria, all bony and weak???

Love is what God gives and gives humans the grace to give.

He so loved us that He gave His only son for us.

Now tell me who can give such.

How many can give their last penny to someone in need?
How many can give their only coat to someone in the cold?
How many can give their last meal to a hungry man?…................. In giving, I mean all like the way GOD did when HE gave HIS SON.

Yeah some might have done such before

You may recall that

 I have given my last penny to someone in need

I have given my only coat out in the cold

I have given my last meal to the hungry

….................. but who are those you render help and go the extra mile for?

 Is it a member of your family, a friend, a colleague at work, your classmate, your teacher………………………..?

Those who can repay you in one way or the other?

 I am not being judgmental here, but even if you do not fall into all these categories.

You might

Have given your last penny to a stranger

Have given your only coat to a stranger

Have given your last meal to a stranger

Or even given more than these, that’s not the point, the point is

Would you give your last penny to a thief?

Would you give your only coat to a prostitute?

Would you give your last meal to a murderer?

God gave all to us all, including His Only child

Black, white, yellow, red, He loves us equally.

 Everyday I pray for the grace to LOVE.
Love everyone around me, love the poor, love the rich, love the homeless, love the sick, love my family, love the helpless, love the weak, love my friends,  love my church ,love my nation………..

 I pray for the grace to love all like GOD does, and above all Love JESUS;

The man who loves me still

He alone knows the weak part of me and yet still loves me.

He alone knows the sin that easily ensnares me and yet still loves me.

He alone knows the fears that tears me apart and yet still loves me.

So today I campaign for LOVE.

Matthew 22:37-40; Jesus said unto him, thou shall love the lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind, this is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.