Hope Okuwdili' s Green Story motivates you and let you know that even though some Disabilities cannot be cured, they can be treated and they can bring out the best in you


 Ever heard about Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a neurologyy pathology learning disability in which a person finds it difficult to read and write. It is sometimes referred to as the invisible disability.

 Dyslexia is estimated to effect 10 to 15 percent of the population. It is a lifelong, inherited condition that has a neurological cause. Those who have it will struggle to read and learn. Even if taught using method that work well other children. 

Dyslexics do not simply write letters backwards as some people assume they generally have significant difficulty reading, spelling and writing.
 The story of Okwudili Daniel Mordi discerns that disability should never be an inability to make one’s ability useful to the society.
 Okwudili Daniel Mordi is a twenty one year old promising youth living with dyslexia.

 In 2012, Okwudili was selected alongside other persons with disabilities to represent Nigeria, in the Floor Hockey category at the Winter Olympics in South Korea after series of screening and training with the Special Olympics an affiliate of the Special Olympics International.
 Five years later, he was selected again to represent Nigeria, in the Floor Hockey category in Austria. At the Semi- finals Okuwdili was instrumental to the success as he scored the last goal in a match against USA with a score line 4-2.

 Okwudili’s disability didn’t stop him from building on his strength as he is a friendly personality and strong team player.
 Speaking with his trainer Segun Adekanbi.He described Daniel as a skillful player and he no doubt knows he will come back home with a gold medal. I believe in my boy he said. “In the build up to this competition, Okwudili trains at least 5 times a week, He is a skillful player."

  Speaking with the administrator of Down Syndrome Foundation, Mr Majekodunmi he described Okwudili as a silent and quiet person "Sometimes you don't know what he is thinking You really need to be patient to understand him, but when you eventually do and bond with him, you'll realize that he is a great guy"

 The mission of the Foundation is to bridge the gap between persons with disability and the society, they have been true to that mission for more than 15 years, and Okwudili's story is a living proof that there is indeed ability in disability. We just need to imagine the possibilities by accepting and inspiring persons with disability.

One of the goals of the Down syndrome foundation is to integrate persons with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities into the society, and one of the ways we do this is by exposing them to different vocational and sport activities to identify their strengths and potentials.

 In USA dyslexia is often called a gift. Famous dyslexics include Sir Winston Churchill, Richard Branson, Steven Spielberg and Albert Eisten.

Dysletics also has some amazing strengths not compensating strengths but built-in ones particularly in the areas of design, creativity, athletic ability and social skills.

Dyslexia is often referred to as the invisible disability
 Despite all odds Daniel proves that dyslexia is not an intellectual disability and no disability is ever a warranty to live an average life. The world is waiting for the ability in every disability to make something significant happen. Some Disabilities cannot be cured but it can be treated.
God bless Down Syndrome Foundation.

Image credits.
Down syndrome foundation

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