What happens if dreams don't come true ?

I have decided to take it one step at a time.

The story of The Dreamer

Hey there !

My name is The Dreamer.

Often times after I dream, I wake up with lots of excitement hoping that the dream is too sweet not to come true.

But alas ! Time went by and the clock ticked on and yet instead of the dream to come true all I have is another dream to nurture and fantasize about again.

What happened to my dream of being a first class graduate ?
what happened to my dream of being married by the age of 25 ?
What happened to my dream of travelling around the world ?
What happened to my dream of winning a beauty pageant ?

Don't dreams come true ?

I ask myself a question, I said The Dreamer

Will you ever get there ?
And will your dreams ever come true

But even against all odds I would rather dream than stop dreaming.

Against all odds, I would rather dream big than dream meager.

Yes, even if I haven't won, I will keep trying.

Even if I am not there yet , I will keep moving.

I will continue dreaming till my dreams come true.

I won't give up rather I will give thanks.

I don't know what dreams you've had and how scared you have been.
I don't know how many lines you've written them in or if it's pages they consumed.

My name is The Dreamer and I know dreams come true.

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